Robert completed his B.Sc.F and M.F. from the University of British Columbia, in 1995 and 2000 respectively, and obtained his professional certification with the Association of British Columbia Forest Professionals (now FPBC) in 1995 (RPF No. 3531). He is presently on leave with FPBC and is not a practicing forestry professional in British Columbia. After working for a forestry consulting firm for two years, in 1999 he moved to the University of Idaho, completing his Ph.D. in Forestry in 2003 under the mentorship of Dr. Andrew Robinson. That year, he accepted an academic appointment as Associate Professor in the School of Forest Resources and Environmental Science at Michigan Technological University. Robert was promoted to Associate Profesor in 2009, and to Professor in 2021.
In spring, 2021, Robert accepted a new position in the Department of Renewable Resources at the University of Alberta, as Endowed Chair in Forest Growth & Yield. Returning to Canada after more than 20 years in the United States, Robert is excited to be working in the diverse forests of Alberta. He obtained professional certification with the Alberta Association of Forest Management Professionals in 2021 (RPF No. 2098). Robert is also a Certified Forester with the Society of American Foresters (CF No. 45989).
Robert was please to accept a new leadership role with the Forest Growth Organization of Western Canada (FGrOW) in June, 2023. There he serves as Executive Director, and will help FGrOW continue a program of applied science and leadership in growth and yield research and practice in Western Canada.
Ben holds dual master’s degrees from the University of Padua, Italy, and the University of Alberta, both awarded in 2023. Previously, he completed a B.Sc.F. from the university of New Brunswick and a diploma in Forest Technology from Sir Sanford Fleming College in Ontario. He joined the G&Y Lab in 2023, where he is a resource analyst and the Operations Manager for the Forest Growth organization of Western Canada.
Shuxiang Yang initially entered UBC as an engineering student but soon realized that this was not the path he wanted to pursue. He switched to the Faculty of Forestry, where he completed his B.Sc.F degree in 2020 and began his M.Sc. focusing on forestry hydrology. Due to the needs of his research, he revisited the Faculty of Engineering during his master's program and completed a bunch of geology-related courses to earn qualifications as a GIT (geologist in training), while serving as a teaching assistant for various forestry courses.
Now, he has joined the Growth and Yield Lab at the University of Alberta, where he is delving into the study of different tree species, along with their corresponding regenerating and growing environments. It's an exciting new journey for him, and he's looking forward to expanding his knowledge and embarking on this new chapter in forestry.
Ergin completed his M.Sc. at Virginia Tech in 2018, under the supervision of Phil Radtke and Harold Burkhart. Previously, he completed a B.Sc. in International relations and B.Sc. in Forest Engineering in Turkey. His resaerch interests include forest biometrics, applied statistics in forest growth models, remote sensing and application of LiDAR technology from handheld, stationary ground and airborne platforms.
Xinran Hu completed her bachelor degree in forestry at Nanjing Forestry University in China. She then completed the Master of Forestry degree at the University of New Brunswick in 2023. During this time, she focused on the sensitivity of the growth of different tree species to climate change, especially under global warming and drought conditions. In September 2023, she joined the University of Alberta, doing research with Dr. Froese on topics including the use of terrestrial and drone remote sensing to characterize tree structure and dimensional change and monitor change in time, short-term growth responses in experimentally thinned stands, and validation and re-calibration of taper models for commercial-thinning sized trees.
Arianna is a recent graduate of the ENCS program at the University of Alberta. She returned to the univeristy and is enrolled in the Master of Forestry program, which was recently accredited nationally by the CFAB. Currently, she is a full-time employee with Mercer out of Peace River, AB and when she completes her degree will be eligible to become an Alberta Registered Professional Forester.
Sydney is a recent graduate of the Forestry program at the University of Alberta. After working with the Growth and Yield Lab for two summers and completing her B.Sc in Forestry in 2023, she decided to pursue an M.Sc in Renewable Resources. Her work with the Growth and Yield Lab was focused on the Herbicide Persistence Project, which will now be the focus of her Master's thesis. Her research will be looking at herbicide concentration over a 3-year period, as well as different aspects of how herbicide affects plant community growth, biomass production, and browse potential.
Ph.D. Conferred 2022, now Geospatial and Surveying Engineer for South Dakota State University, Brookings, South Dakota, USA.
Dissertation: Individual Tree Parameter Deliniation from Terrestrial LiDAR Point Clouds
Paul started doctoral studies under Dr. Curtis Edson, but on Curtis' departure in 2019 I became his PhD Advisor. I continued as Paul's advisor after my departure from Michigan Tech in 2021, through mid-2022. While I was not part of Paul's defense, his dissertation reflects a multi-year collaboration, and I am proud of his accomplishments as my final PhD advisee at Michigan Tech. Paul's first chapter is now in print at Canadian Journal of Forest Resaerch.
Ph.D. Conferred 2017, now Biometrician, American Forest Management, Inc. Formerly State Forest Biometrician, Minnesota Department of Natural Resources in Saint Paul, Minnesota, USA.
Dissertation: Evaluation of Hybrid Poplar Management, Production Potential, and Estimation of Impacts to Water Resources in the Upper Great Lakes Region
Ph.D. Conferred 2015, now Assistant Professor of Forest Management, Univeristy of Maine, Orono ME. Formerly, R&D Coordinator, Pacific Region for Rayonier, in Hoquiam, Washington, USA.
Dissertation: Evaluating the Long-Term Effects of Logging Residue Removals in Great Lakes Aspen Forests
Ph.D. Conferred 2014, now Research Scientist - Remote Sensing for the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources, in Saint Paul, Minnesota, USA.
Dissertation: Application of an Imputation Method for Geospatial Inventory of Forest Structural Attributes Across Multiple Spatial Scales in the Lake States, USA
Ph.D. Conferred 2012, now Head of Nature-Based Resaerch and Monitoring, Rubicon Carbon. Formerly Science Director - Forestry, NCX, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA. Former Chair of the SAF Forest Science & Technology Board.
Dissertation: Evaluating Northern Hardwood Management Using Retrospective Analysis and Diameter Distributions
Ph.D. Conferred 2008, now Resaerch Scientist, Norwegian Institute of Bioconomy Research, Ås Norway.
Dissertation: Towards Greater Accuracy in Individual-Tree Mortality Regression
Ph.D. Confered 2008, now Associate Professor of Applied Statistics and Graduate Program Coordinator, Tennessee State University, Nashville Tennessee, USA.
Dissertation: A Critical Evaluation of Diameter Increment Modelling in the Great Lakes Region
M.Sc. 2021
Thesis: Understory Dynamics Across 62-Years of a Northern Hardwood Management Gradient Study
M.Sc. 2021
Thesis: Evaluating Long-Term Growth and Yield in Upper Great Lakes Region Northern Hardwoods Cutting Trials
M.G.I.S. 2019
Masters Project: Comparing Methods for Forest Biomass Estimation using LiDAR
M.Sc. 2019
Thesis: Re-Examining the Utility of Existing Climate Adaptation Frameworks Through Application on a Northern Forest
M.Sc. 2018
Thesis: Estimation of DBH Using Tree Variables Derived from Aerial LiDAR for Ford Forest, Baraga, Michigan
M.Sc. 2017
Thesis: Assessing Growth, Yield, and Carbon Dynamics in Upper Great Lakes Jack Pine and Hybrid Poplar Managed for Biomass Production
M.Sc. 2017
Thesis: Models of Forest Inventory for Istanbul Forest Using Airborne LiDAR and Spaceborne Imagery
M.Sc. 2013
Thesis: Applications of LiDAR Remote Sensing of Forest Structure in the Upper Great Lakes Region, USA
M.Sc. 2011
Thesis: The Growth Response of Planted Red Pine (Pinus resinosa Ait.) to Alternative Thinning Regimes
M.Sc. 2008
Thesis: The Economic Feasibility of Afforestation of Abandoned Agricultural Land with Quaking Aspen (Populus tremuloides Michx.) for Production of Coal Co-Fire Feedstock in Presque Isle County, Michigan